| | ISBN13: 9780764526152 |
Synopses & Reviews
Publisher Comments:
"J2EE 1.4 Essentials is organized so readers progress through the book and learn about critical J2EE 1.4 features in the same way they are built and deployed. Java expert, and popular author Aaron Walsh leads Java programmers through the new and much changed J2EE 1.4 platform enabling them to quickly build and deploy enterprise applications and Web services. Topics covered include: Implementing Enterprise Web Services with J2EE 1.4 Creating Dynamic Web Pages with JavaSever Pages (JSP Extending and Enhancing Web Servers with Java Servlets Building Sever-side Components with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB Connecting the Enterprise with the J2EE Connector Architecture Complete coverage of new J2EE 1.4 XML capabilities J2EE 1.4 deployment
Book News Annotation:
Written for experienced Java programmers, this guide describes the development of distributed multi-tiered applications on the Java 2 enterprise edition (J2EE) platform. Walsh (Mantis) explains the concept of web services and the core XML APIs, and demonstrates how to construct dynamic responses to client requests with servlets, create dynamic web pages with Java server pages, and build reusable business objects with enterprise Java beans.
Annotation �2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Annotation �2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)