Thursday, July 9, 2009

Linux Complete Command Reference

Linux Complete Command Reference

1495 pages | Sams | English | ISBN: 0672311046

The Most Popular Book

Compiled by Red Hat Software, Inc., the company that has assembled the most popular x86 installation of Linux, this command reference is massive, authoritative, and as complete as any reference can be.
In 1,500 pages of tiny print, this heavy-duty tome documents every command, utility, file system, library function, and administration tool in the operating system. Linux also features a detailed kernel reference guide and a good index. And if the print size bothers you, the entire contents of the book are included on the companion CD-ROM, along with the Unix version of the Adobe Acrobat reader. In Acrobat, you can adjust the font size to something more readable. If you're running a Linux system and acting as your own system administrator, Linux: Complete Command Reference is an indispensable reference.
Linux Complete Command Reference will contain a number of cross references and jump tables to help the reader locate the Linux function. Only comprehensive Linux reference available Written in a style that Linux and Unix users are comfortable with, and includes the added bonus of extra examples CD-ROM contains more than 2000 pages of reference covering every command, program, and system call available to Linux users
