The Michael Jackson story represents a moment in time for the celebrity weekly category that will be remembered for years to come.
In every other week of the year, editors pause and think about what the competition is doing and hope that competitors don't cover the same topic.
Not so this week!
This was the first time in decades that editors were faced with competition not only from the category competitors, but also from newsweeklies, music magazines and special stand-alone tribute issues. Everybody knew that one star, Michael Jackson, would be the main cover story of the week.
The result? All of the editors clearly understood how big this story is and delivered Michael Jackson covers across the board -- except Star Magazine. (More on Star later.)
Click here to see all the magazine covers featuring Michael Jackson!
What's even more fascinating is that each magazine developed a cover that is different in some way from the others, from the visual approach to the way the story was packaged on the cover.