Sunday, July 19, 2009


Here are individual motion presentations, planning tutorials, and whatever planning books that module inform you Programming in C, C++, Perl, Java, and Fortran, and also show you how to intend started with Multithreaded and Shared Memory Programming. These programming acquisition materials are prefabricated acquirable by the Colony Institute of Technology .

Introduction to Scientific Computing
Here are 17 careful slides that wage an launching to Scientific Computing. The table review: Requirements of technological computing, Some definitions of cost utilised in technological computing, Computer architectures, and Benchmarking. (17 pages, 356kb, pdf)

Introduction to C and C++ Programming
This is a 21-slide show gift a generalized overview, with a whatever writing examples, of the C and C++ planning languages. (21 pages, 48b, pdf)

OpenMP: An API for Portable Shared Memory Programming
This is a show of 26 slides that gives an overview and explains whatever of the info of Shared Memory Parallelization and OpenMP. (7 pages, 41kb, pdf)

C Programming Tutorial

Section 1: Basic C

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic C, Operations, Types, Storage Classes
  3. Functions, Preprocessor
  4. Input/Output, File Input/Output

Section 2: Advanced C

  1. Pointers
  2. Arrays
  3. Dynamic Memory Allocation
  4. Strings
  5. Structures
  6. Advanced Data Structures

Section 3: Appendix

  1. Make and Makefiles
  2. Debugging Techniques
  3. Creating Libraries
  4. Programming Tips and Tricks

Perl Programming Tutorial

Section 1: Simple Perl

  1. Introduction
  2. Data Structures: Scalars, Arrays, Hashes
  3. Program Control and Functions
  4. Input/Output, File Input/Output, Command-Line Arguments

Section 2: Beyond Simple Perl

  1. Records and References
  2. Regular Expressions and String Manipulation
  3. Manipulating Files and Directories
  4. Process Management

Multithreaded Programming: Improving Performance finished Threads

An overview and tutorial, with writing examples, of multithreaded C programming.
- What is a thread?
- Thread Design Patterns
- Protecting Shared Resources
- Thread Synchronization Primitives
- POSIX pthreads
- Performance Considerations
- Multiprocess Programming
- Resources

Online Programming Books and Manuals:

Thinking in Java, 2nd Edition (Revision 12)
Source Code (zip format)

Thinking in C++: Volume 1, 2nd Edition
- Source Code (zip format)

Thinking in C++: Volume 2, 2nd Edition (Revision 2)
Source Code 1 (zip format)
- Source Code 2 (zip format)

Fortran 90 and Computational Science

Click on the links below for more Just Released JAVA Books: